Practice & Actions
Herbert Spencer, a well know educator says: “The great aim of
education is not knowledge, but action!” We also often hear “Theory is
nothing when you don’t practice it!” Surely you would agree, attending
training or coaching, it’s not the theory which participants would
like to know.
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Most of the participants even already have known the
theories. When attending a training or coaching session is hints and
more importantly examples on how practicing the topic of the training
which one really wants to learn.
That’s why most good trainers will prepare and also put into practice
how to practice a certain new skill or stressing on how a known skill
can be learned and that the skills can be adapted more easily and that
the session will give the needed outcome. Giving hints or examples
would be easier to follow when there are steps from the simple one to
the higher grade or probably more complicated.
Baca Juga : 5 Kesalahan Bahasa Tubuh Saat Presentasi
Here are numbered hints in helping participants to get results :
1. Plan.
The introduction start with planning. Plan any new skill that
one would like to learn. Planning is preparing oneself to be ready to
follow seriously, but also ready aiming to get the best results at the
end. Planning in a group can start with a morning greeting jell or the
company’s encouraging well-known jell. Then preparing that everybody
would be interested to following the outline in only most important
parts (do not make others to start unhappy as the outline is too long,
and requesting too much attention). Make the introduction a happy
start. Keep smiling when opening the presentation. Don’t forget to
practice the correct body language.
2. Do.
Do is just do it! Easy to say, hard to practice? Well no. Do is
giving examples and let all participants try and do an exercise. Guide
by giving examples, then let everybody have a try or to do it in
groups. Of course guidance on easier ways to practice it, more
effective ways, then getting the skills by rehearsing it.
3. Check.
Who should check that the plan goes well with the doing,
with the practice, with the exercises? People will answer: of course
the trainer or coach or in learning sessions are the teachers and
promoters. But that is common. Let participants also have it checked
by them-self even better in groups let one or two from each group
check the group’s performance. This is as skill’s practice in
leadership – leading by giving examples, not leading by giving
4. Act.
The closing is summarizing all the main skills (theories and
practice). It is the act that should bring results, by providing a
summary, by practicing briefly, the act what the skills should
performed well!
In Management, the four hints are abbreviated (and become well-known) as PDCA.
Wising you a big success!
Klik Disini : Bangkit dari kegagalan
Ludwig Suparmo – Strategic Communication Specialist.
Originally posted 2023-03-15 17:09:15.