Shaking Off a Bad Mood
As a manger, a leader, as well any employee, angry thought that stokes
anger is potentially the key to one of the most powerful ways to
defuse anger. The longer we ruminate about what has made us angry, the
more good reasons and self-justifications for being angry we can
invent. Brooding fuels anger’s flames. But seeing things differently
douses those flames. These are words quoted from Daniel Book’s:
Emotional Intelligence.
Public Speaking | Public Speaking Indonesia | Belajar Public Speaking | Shaking Off a Bad Mood
Being an Account Manager in Public Relations with Multi National
Agencies, also as a General Manager in one of the industries;
experiences has made to be prepared that mitigation in crisis
management is a must. Most cases happening in Indonesia are fire blast
whether due to a miss management in Health, Safety, Environment, and
Security (HSES), accidents, or possibly terrorism becomes foremost
important to act on. Such accidents made senior managers and
especially CEOs and any higher or senior managers to be most alert.
When fire strikes, anger in those managers may arose, but of course
anger is not only due to fire outside the body or even anger from
within. Becoming angry is facilitating the feeling on showing strong
annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
Baca Juga : Practice & Actions
In Public Relations (PR) Crisis Management, actually the persons in
charge handling it must first off all be calm and not easily fired by
anger. As we could study through the science of emotional intelligence
the most important way to control anger are among others :
1. Mindfulness, being in self-awareness, which we can train through an
extensive mindful-meditation and controlling emotions
2. Self-discipline, which actually must be planted from home to our
junior schooling as well as through learning for those who follow
religion rules.
3. Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
According to Daniel Goleman, drawing on groundbreaking brain and
behavioral research, shows the factor at work when people of high IQ
helplessly and those of modest IQ surprisingly well. These factors of
being smart aren’t fixed at birth. Although shaped by childhood
experiences, emotional intelligent can be nurtured and strengthened
throughout our adulthood, with immediate benefits to our health, our
relationships, and our work.
It is highly recommended that we keep on studying and practicing the
more and more recognized since of Emotional Intelligent (EO), the more
important to those who are climbing-up to higher positions.
Ludwig Suparmo – Strategic Communication Specialist.
Klik Disini : Bangkit dari kegagalan
Originally posted 2023-04-14 14:11:56.