Penasaran adalah Marketing
Public Speaking | Marketing What is “penasaran” (Indonesian phrase)? It can be eager to know, eagerness or curiosity. Being curious may lead to further exploration, therefore, “penasaran” leads someone who may like learning business English better when reading this flyer :
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan:
1. Memahami sistem belajar Plain English, yg mudah
2. Mendapatkan petunjuk menikmati belajar bahasa Inggris secara praktis
3. Meningkatkan Percaya Diri untuk terus lebih berhasil dalam Business
English Conversation & Discussion The reader will jump in excitement! Wow, this is what I need, the reader becomes very curious to know more about the possibilities to participate actively in business with the international language more fluently. He or she becomes eager to conduct discussions in English at a high level. “Penasaran: – Curious- how to be able to reach this level? Oh, he/she has read on top of the flyer: it’s in plain English.
Baca juga : Self-Discipline
What is plain English? Is it really more easy learning English than in a classroom, just following training sessions? The reader would like to find out more; “penasaran”, curious to get more information. So, explore further, read further how will be plain English presented. No grammar? (I hate to learn by heart: grammar!). True, grammar is important as a foundation of being able to speak English correctly, Grammar is the basic rule for acquiring a good language, including English of course.
But, plain English is not avoiding learning grammar, it is a system of learning English by practicing and getting in use through easily understanding the language rules. Yes, I am practicing in conversation, in giving presentations, through storytelling and public speaking. Discussion and debating on business matters? This is essential when one must explain or defend a case.
Absolutely, one should practice speaking and write in English. What? Writing? Uh, this is most difficult, except one should master grammar, one should have an abundance of vocabulary, and the trending vocabulary! Hundred percent correct! Learn through plain English practicing writing effective sentences, to the point! That is business, to the point of reaching the business goals! That’s why sentences should be said and written in a simple way, don’t make it complicated. Plain English is actually practicing oral as well as writing in English by practicing simple sentences and using common phrases. Keep it simple: just say or write: Subject + Predicate + Object. Example:
• Business English Communication Training is presented in Plain English.
• Content Marketing is the digital way of getting more customers.
• Write your articles and post it on LinkedIn.
• Keep your personal branding to create awareness.
• Leadership Sales Force Management
becomes more important to reach the company’s sales target.
For further info, please contact: Ludwig Suparmo – Strategic
Communication Specialist; Lead Trainer: Crisis, Issue & Risk
Management; Governance Risk Compliance Management; No Stress
Management; Business English in Plain English is Easy.