Benefits Reading Books: Preparing your Writings or Conducting Public Speaking Presentations

Benefits Reading Books: Preparing your Writings or Conducting Public Speaking Presentations

Corporate Goverment | You may have known these benefits when you like reading books:

improves brain connectivity-increases your vocabulary and comprehension – empowers you to empathize with other people – aids in sleep readiness – reduces stress – lowers blood pressure and heart rate – fights depression symptoms – prevents cognitive decline as you age – contributes to a longer life.

“The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.” – Descartes

So, when you prepare a script or a contact report or a letter, these are similar actions as doing conversation. Therefore, you will need the correct way of saying in writing. You’ll need the vocabulary, you’ll need the terminology. Reading books will help you. Reading reference books is a must when you’d write and present an academic view. When you are well prepared having your script, having your written thesis, the knowledge is there.

First most important material in conducting public speaking or doing a presentation is that you have the knowledge in front of you. When you have it typed well by yourself, it then stimulates your brain so that later you will be able to fluently speak it out when the timing is on.

By acquiring the detail and full knowledge of the topic and its content, your public speaking presentation will flow fluently. You may then be assured that your confidence will support you in conducting the presentation.

Public Speaking in English is easy, believe me!

Ludwig Suparmo – Strategic Communication Specialist; Lead Trainer in Crisis, Issue & Risk Management.